Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cwawa...and Chicken

Melaina affectionately (and sometimes not) refers to Clara as Cwawa. It is the cutest thing to see the absolute joy in her face when she gets in the car after school and sees Clara in her car seat. Well today, Cwawa and I went for her 9 month visit. She's doing great and was hammin' it up for the doctor. The doctor went through her checklist of developmental milestones and when she read/asked, "Do you ever worry that she is unusually quiet?" we both just laughed as Clara was "la-la-ing" as loud as she possible could.

I tell you I love this little girl more than I ever thought I could. To think that I was worried that I wouldn't be able to love two children as I much as I could love one! Ha! There's plenty of mama's love to go around!

Clara also has another nickname lately. It is one that I have bestowed upon her and I have no real understanding from where it comes. Her nickname: "chicken". I think maybe it started with "chicky monkey", again, no clue about that one. But now, "chicken" is what I call her all the time. Sometime it even morphs into "chicken noodle" or "chicken nugget". Weird, but you can't get me to stop it. I'm even beginning to like it.

So here are a couple recent pics of our Cwawa or Chicken, take your pick..

check out those killer thighs! Oh, ha, ha, I made a joke and didn't even mean to...get it? Chicken thighs. (Audible groan) I know, that was bad.


Chicken and Gigi time.

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