Thursday, March 3, 2011

Status Quo

Today was just one of those vanilla days. There was a time in my life where I would have told you that vanilla is just boring and who wants vanilla when you can have chocolate or even mango, pomegranate or pistachio. (Mmm. Ice cream sounds so good right about now, but I digress.) I would have gotten almost panicky by a day filled with non-events and zero drama. Those days are, I'm glad to say, gone. Don't get me wrong, I still love for life to be exciting, but sometimes it feels good to just relish in the status quo and let everything just BE. A day where everything is just "fine", nothing outstanding to talk about, but also nothing especially difficult or frustrating. There is BEAUTY and JOY in a day that just "is". Here were some of todays moments, neither stellar or horrific, which is the new wonderful.

Clara woke up to nurse at 3:30 am (better than 1am and 5am which is my least favorite scenario). She went right back to sleep which is the norm and I was able to fall right back to sleep as well. Not too bad. (She's given me a handful of nights of sleeping through the night, but I've learned that it's easier not to have expectations when it comes to this matter as it relates to Clara.)

I woke up a bit late and had to hurry to wake up Melaina and get her ready for school, but she didn't give me too much grief (she's a sleepy head) and she and Daddy were out the door on time.

I had a wonderful long conversation with a great college friend and therefore I didn't get much else done this morning in the way of chores, but it was SO great to talk to her and by the time we got off the phone, it was time to go get Melaina.

My house isn't very clean, but then again, not very dirty (others may disagree with that last bit, but who cares).

Clara is still pretty congested but definitely on the mend.

Melaina didn't nap, but stayed in her room and played quietly.

I didn't wear makeup or fix my hair and I felt just fine about it.

I made dinner and it turned out great and didn't take long at all.

I had to do the nighttime routine solo because my husband had to work tonight, but neither child gave me too hard a time.

See, very vanilla. I hope you haven't fallen asleep by this point, but if so, hey I'm glad I could help aid in your relaxation (or boredom fest- potato/potahto). My whole reason for even writing about this day is as simple as the day itself. I wrote in my very first post how I am trying to go with the flow and experience joy in the midst of chaos. To be at peace with the mess of things. Some days are definitely easier than others to go with the flow and this was one of those days. There were plenty of things I could have gotten all fussy and anxious about. The pile of laundry on the kitchen floor waiting to be done. The stack of mail on the dining room table that never seems to dwindle no mater how much junk gets thrown away. The march of the tiny black ants in the kitchen that come around every beginning of spring. But for some reason, I didn't get all frustrated and annoyed. Don't get me wrong, I am no Zen master who goes through my day bowing and saying "Namaste". But, maybe this whole "Starting where you are" thing really is having an impact on my life. ( I will write and explain that more tomorrow. Hey, gotta get you back here somehow.)

It feels good to be just OK sometimes.

P.S. Funny dialogue between myself and Melaina as I was trying to coax her upstairs to go to bed:
Me: I've told you many times now, Melaina. It's time to get your fanny upstairs.
Melaina: My fanny says "no".
Me: (silence as I try to maintain normal facial expression and not fall down laughing on the floor)

For your enjoyment... Take your pick, vanilla ice cream or...

Vanilla Ice

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