Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Great Read

I really do love to read. I don't read as much as I would like especially now with two kids. If I had known back before I had kids that I would rarely get the chance to read once I had them, I would have read everything I could get my hands on. Ok, that's a lie. I would have probably watched a lot of tv, eaten out a lot and drunk a lot of wine which is exactly what I actually did before I had kids. But still.

I recently read a book called Poser: My Life in Twenty-Three Yoga Poses. I cannot tell you just how much I loved reading this book, but I will try. The author, Claire Dederer is so fantastically funny, witty, honest and smart. She writes from a very vulnerable place and opens up her life in a way that makes you love her. It is part yoga memoir and part mommy/wife memoir.

Basically, here's the jist...Claire throws out her back while lifting her very chauncy ( is that a word?)10 month old and everyone in her crunchy Seattle town tells her to try yoga, which she does. At this time in her life she is living by a set of rules, which we all do. It just so happens that this set of rules was founded on the very principal of being a liberal, non-conformist parent but has become more conformist, smug and downright snooty than any Bible belt suburban household out there.

The book is based on Claire's journey to reconcile her past with her present and to wiggle herself free of the grip of mandated co-opping, baby-wearing, dansko wearing, baby food making judgmental moms that she lives amongst. (Those things in and of themselves are wonderful things!! I love wearing my baby whilst wearing danskos). It also follows Claire as she is awakened to the benefits and challenges of yoga. Trust me, you will want to read the book while doing downward dog.

It was so funny to me all the parallels of this book and my life. I found out about it, for instance,while laying on the couch reading a review of the book in a magazine. Why was I laying on the couch? I had thrown out my back when trying to lift our giant 6th month old from her high chair. Hmmm. Then the author lives in Seattle (Hmmm) and moves to Boulder (Hmmm). The "Hmmms" are representing the parallels in my life and hers in case that wasn't clear.

So go, please read this book!!! You will laugh, you will cry, you may lactate, and you will be better for it!

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