Friday, February 18, 2011

I'm (NOT) Ready For My Close Up

Today was the most beautiful day!! Here it is mid February, 75 degrees and sunny. So me and a couple of my friends decided that it would be a perfect day to go to the park, have a picnic and then to the zoo. Glorious ambitions since each of us has two small children. We clearly weren't the only ones who thought this day was for the taking since everyone and their brother was at the park today. So we meet at the park, gather up our gaggle and head to a nice green patch to place the blanket. I start pulling out the food and this and that when Laura says to me, "Hey, the news is here." Sure enough not 20 feet away is a camera man setting up his equipment ready to capture that all important "fluff piece" (I think that's what people in the news biz call it) that features families out enjoying this glorious day.

So the camera man comes over and says, "Would any of you ladies mind letting me tape you for a minute". My response was nothing short of someone possessed by Satan, "Oooo. I would LOVE to!" What??? Who said that?

So I stood up and answered the two, maybe three questions he asked about this or that, something about the nice day, yada, yada, yada. The only thing going through my mind was, "Why the hell did I say I would do this. I have NO makeup on. My nose has those ugly red marks that sunglasses leave and my hair is in PIGTAILS." Now, I swear to you that I haven't worn pigtails since third grade and for some odd reason, today seemed like a pigtail kind of day. That little angel (or devil) on my shoulder who told me to wear pigtails in the first place was laughing his you-know-what off, I have no doubt. So there I was looking like Willie Nelson's less attractive first cousin rambling about "getting out with my girls" and how "I can't believe it's February."

So the camera man says thank you and moves on to someone more attractive I'm sure. My two friends who declined the offer to have their moment in the spotlight thought it was funny. They, by the way, looked fabulous. Hair completely coifed, cute outfits, makeup. Ugh.

So then we wrapped up the picnic and headed for the zoo. I felt much more at home amid reptiles and apes! Now I HAVE to check out the 10 o'clock news to see if I made the cut. I am praying that I did not and that if I did , no one will recognize me!

1 comment:

  1. I am sooo sad that I missed you guys on Friday and was not there to witness this event! Too funny! Carrie
